Saturday, February 6, 2010

An endorsement for Joe Sestack

As the PA Democratic party appears ready to endorse Arlen Specter for US Senate, I feel compelled to speak out against that decision.

Simply put, I just cannot stomach voting for Arlen Specter.  Let's take a look at the great "career" Arlen claims to have had.  First, and this should not be forgotten, is that Arlen came up with the fantastic single bullet theory for the Kennedy assassination.  We should have known then that Arlen just wasnt quite right - or that he had an understanding of basic physics that is still about 50 years ahead of his time; I am opting for the former.

Following that, Arlen's next lowlight was excoriating Anita Hill on national TV - a move that not only embarrassed a young woman, but brought the nation Scalia's lap-dog, Clarence Thomas.  Nothing like getting 2 votes in one for every conservative issue in front of the supreme court.

During the Bush administration, Arlen the "democrat" voted with Bush over 2000 times, support the war, support the TARP plan, and supported the deregulation of the financial industry that brought us the current financial situation.

Then, what did this upstanding Democrat do?  He switched parties because he might lose an election?  No integrity, no loyalty to party, just political expedience over values.

Finally, it was Arlen Specter that chaired the judiciary committee that confirmed Roberts and Alito, the duo that undid campaign finance law and is poised to destroy women's rights.

Joe Sestack is an actual Democrat.  As a congressman he support Democratic values.  He favors healthcare for all, bank regulation, opportunity for small business, and the appointment of non-activist judges to the Court.  He is the right choice for PA.

Arlen Specter is not a Democrat.  He is a vulture - trying to pick on the Democrats because his Republican experience got spoiled.  Arlen does not share Democratic values, and his votes will continue to do damage to Democrat positions long after this election.

1 comment:

  1. I don't want to be rude, but it might be a good idea to learn how to spell your candidate's name before you throw your lot in with him.

    It is Joseph Sestak -- S-E-S-T-A-K.
